I am setting up the game to run on Android

On my Mac, I am able to get it to package an Android game. It’s been running for about 20 minutes. I guess it takes awhile.

On my PC, I couldn’t get it to package. It kept saying SDK error. I tried several things. Have android studio installed and reinstalled to a C drive default location cause I read in the forums putting the android sdk on D: drive (which I did) wouldn’t work.

This made me think of an idea – A service that builds and packages unreal engine games for you. You feed it the git address and has a web interface for starting a new build for various platforms. I’d love to have the money to have a few local Windows and Linux and Mac PCS (maybe don’t need them all) and charge to do continuous integration/builds. I don’t think there’s anything else out there like that. It makes me think of Buddybuild, I loved that service before Apple took over.

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