I fixed the rotation so the character is facing the way he is moving.

I used Visual Studio Code to open up the Unreal Engine project directory, Asked CodyAI to help me. Then saved the files; Switched to Visual Studio 2022, Build and Debug, opening Unreal Engine to play the scene.

I also used Visual Studio Code to open up an Xcode project to add features using CodyAI for my job. There are no Xcode AI extensions. I wonder if Apple would approve and list one on their store? They should have to, to avoid anti trust anti monopoly laws.

In my Tick function of the character class:

FRotator CurrentRotation = GetActorRotation();

FRotator NewRotation = FRotator(CurrentRotation.Pitch, Forward.Rotation().Yaw - 90.0f, CurrentRotation.Roll);

// Set the actor's rotation

The mixamo model fbx file I used required me to rotate the Y axis 90 degrees counter clockwise to look in the right direction.

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